There is no doubt that teenage years is a period of growth and is a very crucial time where your teenager’s identity is being formed. However, it can also be the most challenging period and bring on a lot of confusion for your teenager. Your teen may be struggling to fit in with her peers, have trouble finding her voice, or even be experiencing internal conflict within. As a parent, you may have some concerns about changes that you have noticed in your child’s behaviors. Therapy will focus on identifying what is driving these behaviors. Your teen will also be able to gain insight into her feelings as well as be able to process them in a non-judgmental environment.
Some issues that often lead teens to seek therapy include:
Low -self esteem
Peer conflicts
Difficulty identifying feelings
Difficulty regulating emotions
School performance
Parenting/child conflict
Communication issues
“From bottles to bows to boyfriends and everything in between.” It is undeniable that a relationship between a mother and daughter is ever-changing. Little girls tend to look up to their mothers with hope of becoming like them when they grow up. They often rely on their mother for guidance and to do all the fun things that girls enjoy doing. However, it is not uncommon for teenagers to push their parents away, as they are finding their own voice and identity and navigating through life. This sort of change can be overwhelming and oftentimes may leave one feeling like they are misunderstood. I believe that this period is also difficult for the parent who can sense a shift in the relationship with their child; however, they may feel like they do not know how to handle the many sudden changes.
This unique style of therapy was developed with the goal of strengthening the emotional bond between mother and daughter and improving communication when you struggle to find the right words. Together, we will explore how values, personality, and style of communication play a role in your relationship. You will learn how to address conflicts as they arise as well as how to become intentional about this unique relationship.