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Linda is a licensed psychotherapist who is trained in conducting detailed Immigration Psychological Evaluations for immigration cases. As a second-generation immigrant, Linda understands the plight of immigrants who seek to remain connected with their loved ones or are in search of safety. Linda works alongside the client’s attorney to ensure that she is well informed about their case and can provide a quality service that is beneficial to the case. When working with an immigrant client, everyone is treated with dignity, respect, and compassion regardless of their status. Linda utilizes a warm and compassionate approach to help put clients at ease while sharing their experiences. She enjoys working with her clients, listening to their stories, and bringing their invisible wounds to life on paper. 


Currently, H.E.R Heart Counseling offers Immigration Psychological Evaluations for the following immigration cases:

VAWA (Violence Against Women’s Act) 
Petitions for Extreme Hardship Waivers
Asylum Cases

What is an Immigration Evaluation?

An immigration evaluation is a thorough psychological evaluation that is provided by a licensed mental health professional. This specific evaluation is imperative and adds great value to an immigration case as it provides a detailed history of the client’s mental health status and history of trauma which has been experienced as well as gives an overview of long-term psychological challenges as they relate to their current status. 

What is the process? 

* Services are provided to those residing in New Jersey via a secured telehealth platform. 

1. Call to schedule a free consultation call. 
2. An intake packet will be emailed to you within 24 hours of the consultation call. The consent form and questionnaires must be completed and returned prior to the scheduled appointment. 
3. An appointment for the clinical evaluation will be scheduled once information is gathered. The clinical evaluation lasts about 2-4 hours. The evaluation will be split between two sessions.

Are clinical interviews done in English?

Typically, clinical interviews are done in English. For clients who are Haitian, evaluations can also be done in Creole when requested by the client. The therapist and client may also choose to work with an interpreter. If that is the case, clients are responsible for obtaining an interpreter prior to the clinical interview. All evaluations are written in English. 

What is the Cost? 
The cost of evaluation will be discussed during the consultation call.  The cost of the evaluation includes all communication with the attorney, the evaluation with the client, and the finalized report within 3 weeks. There will be an additional charge for expedited reports that are needed within one week. A non-refundable deposit of $250 is required to schedule an appointment for the evaluation.

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